lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Nowadays ,there are a lot of animals living in zoos. But, is it right or wrong to keep them in the zoos?
I think that almost everyone have been in a zoo in their childhood, it is a great experience for children going to zoos, it’s a place where they can see wild, beautiful, exotic animals. And know some characteristics of each of them. An other advantage is that animals who live in zoos don´t get starve, they are protected and one of the most important things, with this program the specialist can develop wildlife conservation programs for thousands of animal species. This is particularly crucial to the extinct species.

Beside this, it doesn’t matter how comfortable are animals in zoos, it's not their natural habitat In zoos they are not free, they can’t run or coexist  with other animal species.That conditions make them unhappy and restless.

The WWF considers captive breeding of rare, threatened, or endangered species, the “last resort” strategy for the captive breeding programs.The goal of most captive breeding programs for endangered species is to establish captive populations that are large enough to be demographically stable and genetically healthy, in other words: saving endangered species to keep them in captivity, ensuring that his  reproduction is reliably  and once they have achieved this reintroduce animals back to the wild.
An example of that is the Ex Situ conservation program of the Iberian lynx, with this program they have achieved more animals than those who were removed from the field as the founders of the program, at first they were only 49 lynx and now they are 69 lynx that have born in the breeding program and also have been reintroduced, including the latest releases of July in Extremadura and Castilla- la Mancha .

So as I see it, the captive breeding is the best way to save endangered animals because they have the reproduction almost guaranteed and once they have done it, they can go back to their natural habitat.

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