martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Are people less healthy than in the past?

Nowadays there are more and more people who are less healthy than ever before, even when we have the resources to be healthy.
As the years go by, the amount of junk food we eat is increasing.The restaurants where you can buy junk food have become very popular, such as Burger King or McDonald’s. You can find more than one of those restaurants in the same town. Eating junk food is not too bad only if you eat it moderately. The problem is when you can’t stop eating that kind of food. Here is when it starts to have bad consequences such as obesity. We are less healthy than in the past, another example of it is the increase in people who smoke, especially young people, and the stress that most of people have in their work.
But at the same time we have the resources to be more healthy. We have more information than ever, we can have nutritional information, medicines, vaccinations. We have also a lot of effective diets, and you can find a gym in every town too, where you are able to learn how to keep fit, so it shouldn't be so hard to be healthy.
We have the resources to be more healthy. The only thing we need is to concern our shelves more with living a healthier life.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Nowadays our world is all connected and we have more opportunities than ever to go abroad, but despite this still may people who prefer to live in a traditional way, living in the same place all their lives.
There is no doubt that the place where you grown up will always be special for you because it is the place where you where born, where you made your first friends and where you spent most of your memories. Staying all your life in the same place means living closer to your family and friends for helping you, giving you nice advices and having good times. Moreover is that you are known in your living place and you also know the people of your country.
All of this facts are good, but when you are young sometimes you have the need to break all your habits and routines and look for other experiences. Living in another place can give you the chance  to be more open-minded, to make new friends, visit beautiful sites and even give you a different point of view of your life. Furthermore it contributes to make you more independent, responsible and meet new cultures.
In my opinion is so much better not to live in the same place all your life but instead move to other city or even go abroad. In that way you can discover who you really are, or what type of person would you like to be. Not being just how people tell you, or how you have to be.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Write an opinion paragraph about something you really like but most of people don't like at all.

From my personal experience, running is one of the best sports. Most people don’t like this activity, they prefer going to the gym and do another kind of sports or just staying at home. I always go running when I’m stressed or upset, it helps me to clear up my mind. I love waking up early in the morning and run when everything is quiet so I can enjoy the beautiful views. Running is an activity that you can do alone or with your friends and family. Furthermore, you can go running whenever you want , you are free to choose where you want to do it. Another advantage is that it improves your physical strength. As I see it, running is a very useful activity, it is one of the best ways to keep fit and it also helps you to be healthy.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Advantages & disadvantages of new technology.

In the last few years technology has developed a lot, and is one of the most important things in our lives.The development of technology in the last few years has been very quick and incredible.Thank’s to new technology we can improve our communication. We can talk with everyone, everywhere and whenever with applications such as  WhatsApp or Skype. With this new technology we can have more information than ever and it’s all for free. In spite of these all advantages it has some disadvantages too, such us how this affects young people.The youth is losing out on social interaction face to face. And the most important one, the dependence of young people on the new technologies, nowadays teenagers can't go out of their houses without their mobile phone and also it has some bad consequences.Young people have worst marks, they prefer to talk with their friends on internet than pay attention in class or go out to talk with their family. New technologies can help teenagers to be better prepared but we only can achieve this if we don’t abuse of them.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Contrast/Comparative paragraph (BLOCK METHOD)


Nowadays you can find a big rage of dances, but are all well considered? Ballet it’s a type of performance dance, it’s the basis of all forms of dance and requieres technical skills and a lot of hours of training. Ballet dancers need to have the ability to concisely feel and move with the music, performing with confident coordination while they are doing difficult steps. Furthermore, Ballet is considered as a kind of dance very complex and sophisticated in which all the moves and positions have to be precise. In contrast to ballet ,we find hip-hop, which is characterized by free-styling, raping, beat boxing among others. This kind of dance is more than just a music genre, it is a whole sub-culture, a medium of expression of real life stories and also you can add or mix steps in the way you want to. Those are two most common dance forms worldwide, both involve strong and fluid body movements like turns and jumps, and only a few dancers can achieve the fame.As I see it  each style of dance is similar to one another but they are all very unique in their own way they have completely different moves and that’s why both types should be respected.