lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


I’m going to do a review about Tennis. I have to say that I’ve never played tennis before until my friend told me to go to classes with her. The beginning was a little bit difficult, but with every tenni’s class I noticed that I played better than the last one.

Doing sport help us to being healthy and to prevent diseases , for me tennis is one of the best sports because it improves your physical strength, it also combines speediness , resistance, the developing of strong mussels and the importance of being flexible. Moreover is that tennis is a dynamic  and a competitive sport, it teaches you not to give up and to keep on trying because that  is the only way to improve your play. For all this reasons I play tennis every time I can. The only disadvantage is that tennis is a competition sport, so you depend on a person to play , and also is a sport that requires time, that’s not like running that you can do it whenever you want and you don’t need someone to do it.

In conclusion, recommend everyone to play this beautiful sport, because it is a great way to keep fit and to disconnect.

1 comentario:

  1. Interesting post.
    However, we need to work on a few aspects:
    I think you can get rid of the first sentence. It doesn't add any important information. Once you start talking about tennis, we know you are talking about tennis : -) Apart from that, I think you could write just one paragraph with this information... You wrote three.
    Some other corrections:

    *tennis class
    *.. I played better than before / in the previous class
    * Doing sport helpS (this paragraph is too long, you need to shorten the sentences)
    * mussel: mejillón // muscles: músculos

    Your level of English is not bad, but I think you write quite fast, am I wrong? Slow down a little bit and review the grammar before posting and everything will be ok.
    Thank you for writing!
